Calculator Landscape, HTC Wizard

;AEKmap WizFreePadL for HTC Wizard (PHONE ONLY Landscape mode*)
;Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
;   ( )                     ( )
;  () () () ()(1)(2)(3)( )( ) ()
;  () () ()(#)(4)(5)(6)( )( )(DEL)
;  () () () ()(7)(8)(*)( )(^)(SND)
;  () () () ()(00  )(9)(<)(v)(>)
;* This layout won't interfere with the Dpad/Direction keys.
;* This layout works in FreeWare mode
;* For NON-PHONE apps (*) and (#) must use 'Dot Shift' key
;* Default Phone keys include: (W)Open PHONE, (OK)Close PHONE, (DEL/BSP)Back/Clear, (RET/ENT)Dial
Layout WizFreePadL Layout
Hint WizFreePadL

;Mapping for NON-PHONE apps.

Key 0054 C0031 ; Generate 1 by pressing T
Key 0059 C0032 ; Generate 2 by pressing Y
key 0055 C0033 ; Generate 3 by pressing U
key 0047 C0034 ; Generate 4 by pressing G 
Key 0048 C0035 ; Generate 5 by pressing H
Key 004A C0036 ; Generate 6 by pressing J
Key 0056 C0037 ; Generate 7 by pressing V

;Mapping for PHONE app.

Key 0035 C0131 ; Generate 1 by pressing T
Key 0036 C0132 ; Generate 2 by pressing Y
key 0037 C0133 ; Generate 3 by pressing U
key 0147 C0034 ; Generate 4 by pressing G 
Key 0148 C0035 ; Generate 5 by pressing H
Key 014A C0036 ; Generate 6 by pressing J
Key 01BB C0037 ; Generate 7 by pressing V
Key 0042 C0038 ; Generate 8 by pressing B
Key 00BE c0039 ; Generate 9 by pressing PERIOD
Key 0020 C0030 ; Generate 0 by pressing SPACE