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UpTime Meter plugin for PocketPC
Version 3.4.3, updated June 10, 2005

What Uptime is...

UpTime Meter plugin is a "real uptime" tracking utility for PocketPC / PocketPC 2002 / Windows Mobile 2003/ WM2003SE. The features of this utility are:


To install this plugin download distributive, unzip UpTimeSetup.exe file to your Desktop PC, start it (on desktop!) and follow appearing instructions. Please soft-reset your device after install completion.

Removing plugin

Currently removing this software is two step process:

  1. Tap on the plugin, choose "Unregister plugin" in popup menu and answer "Yes"
  2. Reset your device and remove "AE Software UpTime" software:
    Start -> Settings -> "System" page -> Remove Programs

Note: If you will try to remove plugin without unregistering you will see "Uninstall unsuccessful" error message due to file sharing violation.

How to use plugin

Tap on the Today screen and choose action from plugin's popup menu.

©1998-24 Alexander Eltsyn