AEKMap - Layouts
v1.4 Freeware, April 4, 2012

Here you may find additional layouts not included to the current AEKMap distibution. Just copy .AEK file to "\Program Files\AEKMap\" directory on your device and select it in Start - Programs - "AEKMap Settings". If you found no suitable layouts here you will probably be interested in description of .AEK file format.

Link to page: /aekmaplayout.php?Language=Language+independend&Keyboard=0&Format=0

 1  Additional, ORSiO p745LinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Orsio p745 / Ubiquio 501 / i-Mate JAQ3
Author: Kirill Bulygin
Updated: January 26, 2009
Downloads: 3482 (file size 1652b)
 2  AZERTY punctuation fix, HTC HeraldLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Herald (HTC P4350 / O2 XDA Terra T-Mobile Wing / Vodafone VPA Compact IV)
Author: Pierre Marques
The HTC Herald was bought in Luxembourg, AZERTY keyboard but the ponctuation looked like from a QWERTY keyboard

Updated: January 26, 2009
Downloads: 3373 (file size 359b)
 3  Calculator Landscape, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: This layout is for the built-in calculator in WM5.
This layout won't work properly if 'OK' is a hotkey.
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4394 (file size 1550b)
 4  Calculator Landscape, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: This layout won't interfere with the Dpad/Direction keys.
For NON-PHONE apps (*) and (#) must use 'Dot Shift' key
Default Phone keys include: (W)Open PHONE, (OK)Close PHONE, (DEL/BSP)Back/Clear, (RET/ENT)Dial
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4414 (file size 1449b)
 5  Calculator, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: This layout is for the built-in calculator in WM5 in Portrait Mode.
* (+),(-),(Г·),(в??),(%),(В?),(.)and(*) require activation.
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4066 (file size 2241b)
 6  Calculator, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: Default Phone keys include: (W)Open PHONE, (OK)Close PHONE, (DEL/BSP)Back/Clear, (RET/ENT)Dial
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4244 (file size 2146b)
 7  Dvorak layoutLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Keyboard independend
Author: Tony Wong (tony49122 {at}
Description: This layout provides the Dvorak layout for external keyboards for Windows Mobile devices. The layout conforms to the US Dvorak keyboard layout found in Windows for PCs. The .AEK file is self-explanatory and users can further customize for accented characters or special key bindings. Developed and tested on Windows Mobile 6.1.
Updated: September 16, 2008
Downloads: 3316 (file size 10886b)
 8  Freedom Universal Keyboard fixLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Freedom Universal Keyboard
Author: David Roosendaal
Description: Remap for the Orange M600 (HTC Prophet / Qtek S200) and the Freedom Universal Keyboard.
For some reason the :"{}|+_;'[]\-= keys are all incorrect. Here is a fix.
Updated: January 22, 2007
Downloads: 3982 (file size 7937b)
 9  Jasuramme HP 123LinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HP iPaq 516
Author: Alexander Shuklin (
Description: Numeric layout
Updated: September 15, 2010
Downloads: 2690 (file size 597b)
 10  Keyboard fix, Luxemburg TyTN II with WWE ROMLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Kaiser (HTC TyTN II / HTC P4550 / T-Mobile MDA Vario III / Vodafone 1615 )
Author: Pierre Marques
Description: i got a tytn ii from at&t. But this keyboard is diferent, don't know from which country it is. put in the file it's from Luxembourg but i don't think it is...
It's start with:
! @ ? / * 1 2 3 ( )

The "normal" english keyboard starts with the same letters but:
@ ! ? / # 1 2 3 ( )
and there is still another changes as you can see in the file.
Updated: January 26, 2009
Downloads: 3253 (file size 377b)
 11  Layout Fix, A4 TECHLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: A4 TECH KL-5UP (86 base keys + 6 extended keys + power)
Author:  Lojso
Updated: February 13, 2007
Downloads: 3753 (file size 1186b)
 12  Layout Fix, A4 TECH with appsLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: A4 TECH KL-5UP (86 base keys + 6 extended keys + power)
Author: Lojso
Description:  In addition to this layout it binds few applications to functional keys
Updated: April 14, 2007
Downloads: 3490 (file size 1450b)
 13  Math symbols, A4 TechLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: A4 TECH KL-5UP (86 base keys + 6 extended keys + power)
Author: Emiel REGis
Description: Символ "~" с Shift дает примерное равно; Shift + 2,3,4 - бесконечность, плюс/минус, кв. корень соответственно; Alt + 1,2,3,4 - градусы, минуты, секунды, верхний индекс "n" соответственно;
Alt + [,] - символы пересечения и соединения; Alt + ; - умножение (точка); ' , Alt + ' - символы принадлежности; вместо \ - знак интеграла; Alt + >,< - "больше/равно" и "меньше/равно"; кнопка "+ / =" теперь дает + при простом нажатии, = с шифтом и неравно с альтом; Shift + - дает знак эквивалента.

На буквенные клавиши я повесил греческий алфавит, большие и маленькие буквы на Alt + Shift и Alt соответственно.
Альфа - A; Бета - B; Гамма - U; Дельта - D; Эпсилон - E; Зета - Z; Эта - H; Тэта - Q; Йота - I; Каппа - K; Лямбда - L; Мю - M; Ню - N; Кси - S; Омикрон - O; Пи - P; Ро - R; Сигма - G; Тау - T; Фи - F; Хи - X; Ипсилон - Y; Пси - J; Омега - W;
Updated: October 3, 2007
Downloads: 3458 (file size 2986b)
 14  Numeric, Orsio p745LinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Orsio p745 / Ubiquio 501 / i-Mate JAQ3
Author: Sergey
Description: Digits and symbols
Updated: July 15, 2008
Downloads: 3202 (file size 1966b)
 15  PhonePad Landscape, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: Traditional Phonepad layout.
* RED,GREEN,(*),(#) and Dpad require activation.
* Default Phone keys include: (W)Show PHONE, (OK)Hide PHONE, (DEL)Clear, (RET/ENT)Dial
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4085 (file size 1681b)
 16  PhonePad, HTC WizardLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: HTC Wizard (XDA Mini S / K-Jam / Qtek 9100 / MDA Vario / SPV M3000 / Dopod 838 / VPA Compact II)
Author: Joe C. Bodily (joemanbaud{at}hotmail)
Description: This layout does not interfere with the Dpad.
* RED,GREEN,(*),(#) require activation.
* Default Phone keys include: (W)Show PHONE, (OK)Hide PHONE, (DEL)Clear, (RET/ENT)Dial
Updated: March 7, 2006
Downloads: 4169 (file size 2486b)
 17  Simple SampleLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Keyboard independend
Description: This keyboard layout describes absolutely useless mapping scheme. The only reason layout here is format demonstration. Feel free to use this layout as starting point for your needs.
Updated: April 4, 2012
Downloads: 4464 (file size 9321b)
 18  Simple Sample (Russian)LinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Keyboard independend
Description: This keyboard layout describes absolutely useless mapping scheme. The only reason layout here is format demonstration. Feel free to use this layout as starting point for your needs.
Updated: April 4, 2012
Downloads: 4715 (file size 10668b)
 19  Stowaway BT first line buttons fixLinkViewDownload
Language: Language independend
Keyboard: Stowaway BT Keyboard
Author: Yaroslav Shirshov (
Description: This layout fixes mismatch between first line button labels and symbols generated by Russian version of Stowoway BT Keyboard
Useful link on keyboard driver (Russian only)
Updated: December 31, 2005
Downloads: 4170 (file size 379b)

.AEK format

Alexander Eltsyn